
About Us


Written by Alex:  

Dad. Musical. Athletic.  
Awesome hair. Drums.
Business. Marketing. 
Love notes. Fruity candy. 
Land Before Time. Floss.   
Serving. Kids. Thrifting.  
Creating. Religion. Kissing.
Giving massages. Loving.


Written by Chris:

Mom. Beautiful. Singer.
 Disney princesses.
Vocally dyslexic. Books.
Chick flicks. Harry Potter.
Tolerant. Loving. Hilarious.
 Random. Fashionable.
 Dancer. Hiccups. Chocolate. 
 Serving. Mine.

    Once upon a time, Chris and Alex each got a text from a mutual friend named Sam. Alex worked with her at Great Harvest, and Chris had gone to high school with her. Sam was setting up a group blind date. She had set Chris up with a friend of hers, but that friend bailed last minute. She needed a replacement, and fast. She opened up the contact list on her phone and there, right on top was the name Alex Balaich. (Alex will forever be grateful for her alphabetical placement!) She sent Alex a text. "Hey," it read, "Do you want to go on a date with my friend Chris White this Saturday? He's on Facebook. Look him up." Alex didn't really want to go. Blind dates were awkward. However, she didn't feel like she could say no to this particular friend. She said, "sure." Chris didn't know his date had bailed and that he now had a new date. Sam had never given him a name to begin with. On May 21, 2010 They met in this group date setting. A group of 4 couples got together. None of them having met their date before hand. They sat around the fire and talked all night. Chris and Alex were immediately smitten with one another. They like to look back on this day and realized that they started falling in love right then and there sitting cross legged, on cement, roasting strawberries around the fire. In fact, they were so smitten that Chris decided to take the opportunity to set up another date. He had bought tickets to the Backstreet Boys concert and still hadn't asked a date. Alex said yes, of course. They were basically inseparable after that. Within a few days they had a second date, and within a week the first magical kiss was shared and they were "official." On Oct 1, 2010 Chris asked Alex to marry him, and without any doubt she knew he was exactly who she was supposed to marry. 3 1/2 years later they are ridiculously happily married. They are so perfect for each other that it is sometimes scary. On Oct 13, 2013 they welcomed a beautiful, healthy daughter into the world. Elsie June is the perfect baby, and she bonded their family in such a perfect way. They don't know what they did to deserve such a life, but they are living it to the fullest!                                           

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