
Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Hi Ya'll! Chris and I are into a crazy week. It's only Wednesday?! I'm afraid I'm having a glass half empty kind of a day. So sue me. We all have them. Chris has so many band practices and performances, I can't keep them all straight, (Chris is in 2 bands VanLadyLove and Lady and Gent. Check them out. Tabs above. They are great),  and I've been punching in extra hours at work interpreting for my students extra-curricular activities. (If you don't know me very well, I'm an American Sign Language and English interpreter). That Mr. White and I haven't had much "us" time lately, and we're both feeling it. I might forget his name here soon.

Good news for today: He offered to take over dinner. Good thing too. I was thinking cold cereal.

I feel like we're still recovering from the cruise we went on and Christmas break. (Confession: the suitcases still aren't put away AND our Christmas tree is still up. All the decorations are down, but the tree is still standing. It's coming down today!). Our house is a disaster zone, and I cannot get back in the groove of making dinner. Anyone else feeling this Holiday jet lag still? Chris doesn't want me to have to organize everything myself so I keep waiting for a day we can manage the beast together, but that day is being awfully elusive.

Here's Chris's performance schedule so you can pitty me, and come see them if you want. I'm all about hitting two birds with one stone.

Fri, January 18: VanLadyLove in Logan
Mon, January 21: VanLadyLove in Park City. Show at 3pm, and another show at 8.
Tues, January 22: Lady and Gent at 7:30. Sadly I don't even know where this is. Sundance I think.
Fri, January 25: VanLadyLove has 2 more shows in Park City.

Craziness right! Let me know if you want more details. It's really cool they are both playing at Sundance though. I am excited for that. And America's Got Talent has asked VanLadyLove to audition. That's pretty sweet too. Check me out. I'm being so positive. My glass is filling up.

Basically, we need a date night to reconnect after all this craze. Saturday night is set aside for us. I should make a paper chain to count down the hours. Don't worry, I won't really.  Any relaxing date ideas that aren't dinner and a movie? I'm afraid our brains will be too fried to come up with anything.

This blog is brand new so I haven't posted any pics yet. Honestly, I think it will lift my spirits to post a couple. Nothing like a great memory to patch up a crummy present moment =) So here's to dreaming about date night and missing vacation!

 Christmas Morning. Only 342 days until the next one!

Cruisin. I'm a winter girl, but this pic makes me miss the Sunshine.

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