I'm finally feeling this little girl move. It took long enough. She was busy making me sick before I guess. Chris has only felt her twice. She loves to freeze as soon as his hand gets close. Really, that's the only new pregnancy development. Well that and Swollen ancles, feet, and hands, and lots of heartburn. But who wants to hear about that! Ha! I still can't believe some people like to be pregnant. Blows my mind. I love my baby bump and the movements, and I am crazy about my girl, but other than that.... nothing I like about it! Music Camp is in full swing, and for unknown crazy reasons I agreed to do the choreography. What was I thinking?! Dancing in the heat definitely doesn't help the swollen feet issue, but I guess it's great exercise. Keeps those extra inches strictly to my middle! Today I am 25 and 1/2 weeks. And counting! Definitely counting!
Chris is staying busy with VanLadyLove and Lady and Gent/ Strange Family. I'm pretty sure they are close to some big things. I'm really excited for them. VanLadyLove is growing a huge following, and doing so many fun things. Chris also just started a new job at Ingram Medical, while going to school full time. Yup, in the summer! Poor guy. He's actually REALLY busy, and he still massages my feet daily and helps me cook dinner every night. What a stud! He is seriously the perfect man.
The 4th was amazing! I hope yours was too. It's one of my absolute favorite holidays, and it lived up to my expectations this year for sure. Loved every second. Chris went along with all of my silly traditions without complaining for 1 second. He even wore the crazy Flag shirt I bought for him. He loves me =) Sadly, my flag shirt didn't fit this year. I wonder why...
Sorry for the boring update! Had to be done =)
So I take it Chris isn't doing summer sales anymore? Super exciting about his bands! I think the people who enjoy being pregnant are the people who get rottenly lucky with the lack of pregnancy symptoms. I had heart burn way bad and my doc finally subscribed me something to try and stop the heartburn before it started. It was grand. But I still ate berry Tums like candy! Thankfully they also taste like candy =) Can't wait to attend a baby shower of yours! Ever since TN I think of you guys on the 4th and how different it was than any other 4th we'd experienced! Glad you had a blast this year! Love reading your updates!